Et undervisningsopplegg for barn, basert på bibelsk virkelighetsforståelse
$75.00 – $150.00
This curriculum package is designed for those who believe children can know God and for those who want to lead them into that very meaningful relationship.
English Version available
Purchase hereFrench Version available
Purchase hereRussian Version available
Purchase hereChinese Version available
Email enquiry here: [email protected]Japanese: Unpublished version.
Most of the curriculum and 42 songs available free. Contact: [email protected]It gives teachers a series of overarching principles centering on God’s character, and core lesson ideas that teachers can develop for Bible Time, Prayer Time, Practical Application, and Creation Time (science topics).
This is a DIGITAL version of the curriculum for you to download. If you would like to purchase printed versions please contact [email protected]
A Biblical Foundation for Early Childhood Education, created to speak to the heart of a young child, was first published by YWAM’s University of the Nations. Used for 30 years, this curriculum helps you.
▪ Nurture a young child’s relationship with God
▪ Instill biblical values deeply into a child’s heart
▪ Build an understanding of biblical truth using many illustrations from God’s Word
▪ Create an environment where children are loved and valued
A Biblical Foundation for Early Childhood Education is easy to use. There are clear instructions, and teachers can adapt it to their own classroom and culture. It has been used in preschools, home schools, and Sunday schools. It’s been used by teachers from many nations in classrooms around the world.
Lærerguiden Bok 1 del B: Her finner du maler til bruk i formidlingen
Bok 2:
Kjenne Gud vår far Tolv undervisnings-temaer om Gud som vår kjærlige Himmelske FarBok 3:
Kjenne Jesus, Gud Med Oss Tjue undervisnings-temaer om Jesu liv og tjeneste.Bok 4:
Kjenne Jesus gjennom Den Hellige Ånd Ti undervisnings-temaer med fokus på de første kristnes erfaringer.Bok 5:
Bok 5: Trening i å velge rettEn håndbok for å vise barn hva Bibelen sier om våre handlinger og holdninger.Merk: For den norske versjonen oversatte vi ikke sanger av den grunn at hver nasjon har sine egne fantastiske sanger som du kan lære med barna dine. For alle sangøkter kan lærere forberede sanger fra sin egen kultur eller komponere sine egne.
Music Files:
Produced by Scripture in Song, formerly a division of Integrity Music, I Hide Away Your Word in My Heart contains a Scripture song for each of the 42 teaching units, put to lively, easy-to-learn music. It features Barry McGuire, Evie Karlsson, and a talented children’s choir.Creation Posters:
Full-color teaching posters: These 12 posters by artist Bryan Pollard dramatically depict God’s creation of the world from the opening chapter of Genesis. This set also includes the script “Long, Long Ago.”Songbook:
These songbooks provide the notes and lyrics for the songs on “I Hide Away Your Word in My Heart.” These are the songs for each of the 42 teaching units in the curriculum.FAQ
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