Educational Resources for you!
The educational resources on this site are flexible, understandable, easy to use, and most importantly, biblically based.
Check them out!A Biblical Foundation for Early Childhood Education
This curriculum gives teachers a series of overarching principles centering on God’s character, and core lesson ideas that teachers can develop for Bible Time, Prayer Time, Practical Application, and Creation Time (science topics).

French Version now available
Purchase hereRussian Version now available
Purchase hereNorwegian Version now available
Purchase hereChinese Version now available
Email enquiry here: [email protected]Japanese: Unpublished partial version.
Email enquiry here: [email protected]Preschool in a Suitcase
Preschool in a suitcase is a thematic weekly focus taking children through the key stories in God’s special book

Keiki Corner Curriculum
Leading small children into God’s presence to experience and get to know Him as Creator, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.