The Well Series


pdf-downThe Well Series is 4 booklets that are designed to assist a teacher better understand the processes and techniques of teaching and learning.

Learning Well – A Teachers Guide to Processing That Produces Learning.
Teaching Well – A Speaker’s Guide to Teaching That Produces Learning.
Starting Well – A Teacher’s Guide to Sowing Seeds into Prepared Ground.
Thinking Well – A Trainer’s Toolbox for Encouraging Deeper Thinking

Written by Rosalie Pedder this resource is made available for free


Thinking Well gives you a smorgasbord of activities and some teaching to promote a greater range of thinking skills in your students through varied question types, understanding the levels of thinking ,and knowing some of the language of critical and creative thinking.

Starting Well offers some valuable teaching on issues that can seriously affect how well students can learn. Some of the hindrances are heart issues which come out of our learning histories. Some involve the degree of influence we are prepared to allow the Lord to have in our classrooms. Some are about our own efforts to make learning more effective.

Teaching Well contains 208 classroom practices that will enhance your teaching by allowing the students to take part. The suggestions cover ways of presenting information, ways of allowing students to respond to it and ways to encourage them to make it their own.

Learning Well has been created to help fill a need perceived amongst many school staff and teachers for activities designed to process lecture or reading material in small- group situations.

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